Officer involved in militia leader's death named in court

Political and Legal - POSTED: 2018/08/03 16:01

A state police officer has accidently revealed the name of one of the officers who fatally shot a militia leader who participated in the armed takeover of an Oregon wildlife refuge.
The Oregonian/OregonLive reports the officer's name slipped out this week during the trial of indicted FBI agent W. Joseph Astarita, who accused of lying about firing shots toward Robert "LaVoy" Finicum's truck.
Authorities have concealed the officers' names for more than two years citing concerns about threats from militias.
People who were involved in or supported the refuge occupation have circulated the officer's name and photo online. Several threats toward the officer followed.
Finicum's widow and Ammon Bundy have spoken out against these actions. The occupiers seized the refuge in 2016 to protest the imprisonment of two Oregon ranchers.