At issue in the case is shareholders' ability to recover damages from parties, such as investment banks and accountants, that are accused of aiding corporate fraud.
Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat seeking his party's presidential nomination, wrote President Bush urging him "to take appropriate steps to discourage" the Justice Department's solicitor general from filing a brief in the case in support of the defendants.
His letter was sent Tuesday, the day before the deadline for Solicitor General Paul Clement to submit such a brief.
Dodd urged Clement not to file a friend-of-the-court brief that contradicted the Securities and Exchange Commission's position "that parties who contribute to defrauding investors should be held accountable."
On the other side, a bipartisan group of three former SEC chairmen, 13 other former SEC officials and 11 academic experts filed a brief with the court Tuesday supporting the defendant companies. The three ex-chairmen were Roderick Hills, appointed by President Ford; Harvey Pitt, one of Bush's former appointees to the position; and Carter appointee Harold Williams.
On Tuesday, a group of people who lost retirement savings in the collapse of Enron Corp. renewed their plea to Bush to support the share- holders' position, Stoneridge Investment v. Scientific-Atlanta.